KD 6 Size 14. This auction is for a ¡°Brand New,¡± ¡°Never Worn¡± pair of Nike KD V Basketball Sneakers. All items
This auction is for a ¡°Brand New,¡± ¡°Never Worn¡± pair of Nike KD V Basketball Sneakers. All items are 100% authentic and are bought directly from the retailer. NIKE AIR MAX 90 size 14 QS Jordan Kobe Lebron Kd Limited Yeezy Addidas Run 13 15 in Clothing, Shoes Accessories, Mens Shoes, Athletic Kobe/Size 8 Pit Viper Low/DS/Nike/jordan/lebron/kd basketball Retro123456789 in Clothing, Shoes Accessories, Mens Shoes, Athletic NEW Nike KD VI 6 PREHEAT SUPREME sz 12